The parking garage is connected to the venue and offers covered parking.
Parking Rates:
$7.00 for 1-2 hours
$1.00 for each additional hour
$12 max per day
Advisory Council members will receive a voucher for complimentary parking (at registration).
All speakers, SecureWorld PLUS, and Conference Pass attendees will receive a $6.00 parking voucher (at registration).
Overnight self-parking is discounted to $6/car per day. Valet is $14 / day and $20 overnight.
If reserving by phone, call: 402.592.6464 / 1.888.421.1442 and mention you are part of the SecureWorld conference to receive the negotiated conference rate.
"SecureWorld is near the top of my ‘must attend’ list of security events every year. The mix of high quality content on topics that are timely to what security professionals are concerned about, vendors that match those needs, and ample networking time with peers make this an event that is valuable for attendees of all organizational levels and skill sets."

- Earn 12-16 CPE Credits
- Network with Industry Peers
- 60+ Educational Elements
- Four Keynote Speakers
- Industry Expert Panels
- Security Vendors & Solutions
- Meet Local Association Leaders
- Interactive Conference App

• Create a personalized agenda
• View maps of the venue and Exhibit Hall
• Use secure messaging to network with attendees
• View speaker slides after the conference
• Play CyberHunt, the app game, and compete for prizes